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Bridgewater High School (Now Jordan River Learning Federation Middle and Senior Schools) |
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for New Students
Discipline and behaviour
When a student behaves in a way which goes against this set of beliefs and values disciplinary action is taken. Rules
Detailed rules apply to different areas of the school. You can read more about rules in our "Rules and behaviour" section. Does the school you are coming from have rules along the following lines?
If so, then be assured that those rules apply at
Bridgewater High too. In fact we used to have this list of six rules but we
replaced them with "Be Safe, Be a Learner and Be Caring" because those three
rules support good behaviour in all areas of the school, not just in the
Only people who live quite a way from school can bring bikes. The bikes will be locked in a bike cage during the day for safety. Students are NOT allowed to ride their bikes in the school grounds. Bikes are not used at recess and lunch breaks. You must wear your safety helmet. Can I go home for lunch? If you live close by and want to go home each day, you must bring a note at the start of the year. No-one is allowed out of the school grounds at lunch break unless a note is brought from home. Students with parents' permission are issued with a lunch pass. The pass allows you to go home for lunch. It does not allow you to go to the shops or to a friend's house. What do I do if I feel sick? If you feel sick, see your grade coordinator who will arrange for you to go home or to be checked out by a staff member trained in first aid. What if I'm away sick? Please ask someone at home to phone the school office (6262 5500) to let us know where you are. On your return you must bring a note from home. What if I lose something? See your home group teacher or grade coordinator. We have a lost property box in the grade area near the staffroom. Make sure EVERYTHING YOU BRING TO SCHOOL has YOUR NAME ON IT. DO NOT bring valuable things to school. What if I get lost? Don't panic. Ask another student or teacher where to go. Will anybody annoy me? That's unlikely. But if anyone says or does anything that upsets you, tell the grade coordinator or your home group teacher. What if the work is too hard? If you don't understand something tell your teacher. Lots of people find some work hard and we provide support to those who need it. Sometimes you may be given different work or there may be an extra person in the class working with your teacher to provide extra help. How will I know when to change lessons? The PA (public address) system automatically plays a short piece of music to indicate lesson changeovers, the beginning and end of recess and lunch time and the end of the day. The music is usually referred to as "the bell". What if I'm late for school? If you arrive towards the end of assembly (after 8.50 am) you will need to get a LATE PASS from the office and give it to your teacher. If you arrive during assembly make sure that your Home Group Teacher has marked you PRESENT. How do I play in sports teams? We pride ourselves in the fact that we cater for a wide range of interests. We look forward to your active participation. FIND OUT:
If you play another sport and would like to play in a team for the school, it can be arranged if there is enough interest and a coach available. We hold swimming, cross country and athletics carnivals each year. Participation can lead to inter-high representation in all three sports. The school encourages students to fulfil their potential by aiming to represent the school as a positive school spirit can be developed. For good health and hygiene we expect all students to change into appropriate sports gear for Physical Education lessons and team sports. The gym is available for recreational activities at lunchtimes as well as inter-class and inter-grade sports matches..
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