High School 

For Students

Also see the Intranet of the Jordan River Learning Federation website - password required




For dates see Calendar page.


2011 Jordan River Learning Federation Senior School
Grade 10 Formal
(previously called the Bridgewater High School Leavers Dinner)

DATE: Friday, 16 December 2011
TIME: 6.00 pm for a 6.30 pm start (photographs from 5.45 pm). Finishes 10.30 pm.
VENUE: Hilltop Granton


1. TAKEN BY MR R: A DVD of the 2011 Grade 10 Formal (previously "Leavers Dinner") photos that will be taken by Mr R will be left with:

  • Big W Glenorchy, and

  • Tassie Cameras and Photos, Eastlands (lower level, next to the ABC Shop)

To select photos to have printed, ask for the Jordan River Formal DVD (or even the Bridgewater High Leavers Dinner Photos DVD) to use in the machine.

(The DVD of photos has now been left at both of these shops.)

2. TAKEN BY PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER: Note that other arrangements apply to ordering and paying for the group and individual photographs that will be taken by the professional photographer.


For new students:   

See also our NEWS page and our BUSES page.



Learning topics


Local area



People seeking information may need to check both the new JRLF website and the old BHS website. See
 Website changeover

For JRLF (Middle and Senior School) students:

Tasmanian Education Department sites for students:

Student safety

Australian educational sites:


Information for grade 10 leavers 2007



Bridgewater High School MAIN PAGE

Last modified on 18 December 2011